At a scenic location overlooking Nudd's Landing, a quiet corner of Hampton welcomes you. Our Riverfront home and business is the oldest lobster pound in town; open every year since 1981. The Tilton Family has been a part of the Seacoast since the 1600s
Defiant Lobster Company was established in 1981 by Peter, Joan and Peter Tilton, Jr.
During the 1980's, both Petes fished for lobsters aboard the DEFIANT and later SEA EAGLE, while Joan ran the business ashore. As the business grew too busy for one person to operate, it was decided to sell the big boat in 1990. Pete Sr. fished a smaller boat and modest string of traps until retiring after 73 years on the water in September of 2021. Sadly, we lost the old man on January 20, 2024, but his presence will always loom large here! Joan and Pete Jr. continue, and look forward to sharing many stories with our friends and customers in the years ahead.
We buy our lobsters from local New Hampshire fishermen and some from Maine when demand dictates.
If you want to do some fishing, we have a fully stocked bait and tackle shop.
We sell and rent clam forks if you want to dig your own clams.
We sell our own vegetables in season as well as Christmas trees; cut your own.